it's not cool to steal their work
The CATbox authorizes the sale of her work through this website and through the locations and events listed on this website (and with her licensing agent which is not listed on this site). The CATbox is very particular about her work and where it is displayed. Purchasing directly from her or from the listed locations/events on this website directly support her; it's how her living is made! The support that the CATbox receives is appreciated in so many ways. It allows her to keep doing what she loves - art! Please support independent artists' of all kinds by buying from them directly and respecting their intellectual property.
The © copyright message that appears at the bottom of each page on this website is the law and is enforced. Most of the images placed on this website have the watermark feature placed on them and it's not the most aesthetically pleasing thing to see, but, it is necessary. Watermarks are never a part of the CATbox aesthetic. The hope is that those viewing this website can look past the watermark, see the creation beyond it and continue to support the CATbox with the intention of collecting her work with honesty, integrity and by the art loving people she can not do without! To learn more about © copyright laws, click HERE.
CATbox Art Studio is a studio of one; an independent painter who does her own thing and who supports herself solely with her paintings and creations. All of the creations produced by CATbox Art Studio are original, her own design and are sometimes inspired by her surroundings, music, animals and sometimes, other artists'. The CATbox does not take work from others and call it her own - ever. All original artwork (created by any artist) is automatically © copyrighted by law and can not be taken or used by anyone other than the originator of that artwork. The CATbox takes copyright laws seriously and when that right is infringed upon, takes legal action. When any of the CATbox work is displayed any where on the internet, is purchased in any establishment (internet shop, brick and mortars, festivals, art exhibits, etc.), it does not transfer copyrights to the purchaser. All rights remain only with the artist and may not be used in any way by anyone (other than the artist). The CATbox has had a few cases where she was a victim of copyright infringement. Needless to say, action was taken with the desired results.

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